Even though, I don't have a whole lot of time to knit (and crochet), I enjoy it immensely. There is something so calming about the sticks just clicking away. It instantly lowers my stress level and makes me smile. What's not to love about that? So, I always have a yarn project or seven in the works at any given moment. This is what I have in the works right now:
Pink and Purple Hexagon grannies |
Hexagon granny style afghan in pinks and purples with white centers and trim: This is supposed to be a stash buster project to use up the copious amount of pink and purple cotton yarn that I have. Every time I buy a ball of cotton yarn in Audrey's presence she asks if I will let her pick one too. I usually say yes, and the result is that I have more pink and purple yarn than I knew what to do with. This will probably be for Audrey since she is the one who picked most of the yarn.
Living room pillow cover |
Living room pillow cover: I started this project because I wanted to make a striped and wavy something with these colors. I thought it was going to be a hand towel for my bathroom, but I quickly decided that it was not the right size or colors and it just so happens to be the right size and colors for my living room - so instead it is going to be a living room throw pillow cover. As it turns out, we need to recover the throw pillows in there, so this is a practical project afterall.
multi-colored wool wrap |
Multi colored wool wrap: My dad used to work near a fancy yarn store in Kansas City. Several holidays in a row, I was the lucky recipient of a ball of fancy yarn or two. This multi-colored wool is beautiful was something he (or a store lady) picked. The colors are deep and vibrant and they flow together in unexpected yet beautiful ways. I had to order a few more balls of yarn in order to make the wrap big enough, but I really love how it looks so far. I am excited to finish this and then block it so that I can see the pattern "bloom" (expand). I do not have the fancy blocking materials that hard-core knitters have, so I am going to use some wire hangers to stretch the yarn. Then I'll spritz it with water and let it dry.
Hot Water Bottle Cozy |
Water bottle cozy: This pattern is called winterberry and it has a lovely bobble pattern with some cabling mixed in to make it look like the bobbles are berries on branches. It is really pretty and has been fun to work on. Also, it is worked in the round, which makes it fast (other than the complicated center panel with the cables and bobbles). I bought a nice wool blend for this pattern. It is a dusky eggplant purple. I wanted wool for the warmth, but I wanted a blend to make it washable. I am pleased with how it is going so far.
Dishcloths |
Dishcloths - I always have a few dishcloths in various patterns on my sticks. I use them everyday and I give them away a lot too. Plus they are fun and portable. The dishcloths in the picture are for my sister Farrah - she chose the bright yarn with the turquoise and purple. I added a bit of white to accent it a bit. I hope she likes (and uses) them when I finish the set. The square with the triangle halves has been one of my favorite dishcloth patterns for years. The center open pattern makes it dry quickly and it is super quick to make. I add the crochet lacy edging because I think it looks prettier that way.
As you can see from my project list, apparently I have more good ideas than I have time or good sense. :)