Tuesday, April 01, 2014


As a kid went camping a lot.  We went as a family usually at least once a year, the church had family camp overnight camps that we always attended, there was a week long camp every year with the other girls in church once I hit 12, and then in high-school and college I occasionally went camping with friends.

I liked it until I hurt my back half-way through college.  After that sleeping on the ground lost its luster.  However, lately, I have been thinking about camping again.  I cannot think of a better nights sleep than when I have been camping.  I love looking at the stars, singing by the camp fire, cooking camp food, hiking, etc.

This year, I have decided, I am going to take Audrey camping.  I think she is old enough and so I am going to do a mama/daughter camping trip this summer.  In preparation, I got a sleeping pad that self-inflates.  I already own a sleeping bag and I think we can borrow a tent.  She and I have been talking about it and we are both super excited to try it.

Any of you expert campers out there, do you have any recommendations for taking a kid camping for the first time.


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